Whether you call yourself self-employed, teleworker, telemanager, telecommuter or entrepreneur

Don't just telework, TeleManage!

Are you looking for online skills, knowledge or expertise?
Do you want to securely manage a project from anywhere?
Are you considering a telework strategy for your business?

Get ready to Telemanage!

By merging cutting-edge telecommunication technologies and world class project management methodologies, Telemanage has developed a suite of telemanagement tools (for teleworkers, telecommuters and telemanagers alike) that accelerate corporate processes via the virtual telework-place that significantly reduce employer costs and increase employee productivity.

Today, managers are learning to manage by objectives in an ever-increasing virtual telework-place. Executives want to better track the benefits received from the results of those objectives. The goal, of course, is to add value at lower costs. Today, project deliverables are more and more in the form of information products rather than hard goods -- for example, feasibility studies, market research, business plans, presentations, contracts, software development, etc. Teleworkers are perfect for these kinds of jobs.

When you have a deliverable that cannot be met using your existing resources, you can hire a subcontractor to do it for you. Often, as is the case in software development, you bring that contractor on-site and give him/her a desk, phone and computer and pay them by the hour/day. That is, of course, if you can find the expertise nearby. But why pay for all that when you could just pay for the deliverable? Wouldn't you like to save your budget for other things?

At Telemanage, you can do it all from anywhere. You can contract the same teleworking services here from our site. Your key deliverables will be tracked via our virtual project management system, and you will be given a virtual project room where all your project information will be kept secure. You can track the progress of the key deliverables, receive status reports, upload/download files, have online meetings, track action items, store work agreements/contracts, and more. Everything you need to know about that project will be at your fingertips. Rest assured, there will always be a real human being on the other end that you can talk to directly.

Visit our Service Catalogue.

Discover what telework opportunities a pilot project might reveal in your business by contacting us today at -- better yet, register now to get started!